Pest Control – How to Identify a Pest Infestation

Pests are organisms that spoil or damage crops, livestock, buildings, and other material possessions. Pest control aims generally at prevention and suppression, but sometimes, eradication is attempted.

Some natural forces, such as climate and the presence of natural enemies, affect pest populations. Certain tactics, like pheromones and juvenile hormones, can also reduce pest numbers. Contact Pest Control ST Charles MO now!

Insects are small, wingless insects that feed on blood. They mature in just a month and produce multiple generations per year when conditions are favorable. They are difficult to control and, unlike cockroaches or flies, are not responsive to high standards of cleanliness. The bugs spread from room to room by crawling between floors, walls, and ceilings. They can also be transported in clothing, bedding, suitcases, and other luggage. Bed bugs often infest hotels, furnished apartments, and dormitories, as well as homeless shelters and other facilities that house transient populations.

The bugs are nocturnal and feed at night. They leave dark spots of excrement, shed skins and aggregations of nymphs on surfaces. A foul, acrid “buggy” odor may also be present in heavily infested areas. Bed bug infestations are difficult to control once they are established, so vigilance is important in preventing them.

Thoroughly launder all linens and clothes infested with the bugs and dry them on a hot setting. Wash and vacuum the mattress and other sleep and seating areas. Spray common hiding places with a surface pesticide registered to control bed bugs, following label directions. Especially vulnerable areas include seams, folds and crevices of beds, mattresses and furniture; cracks in plaster and the wood joints of box springs and headboards; loose wallpaper; electrical outlets, smoke detectors and picture frames.

Avoid second-hand clothing, mattresses, or furniture that may have been infested with bed bugs. Place items that cannot be washed or sprayed in a hot dryer into sealed plastic bags. Label these bags to indicate that they contain infested items. If you must take infested furniture or mattresses to a dump or curb, mark them clearly with a sign that says, “bed bugs,” so that others will not unknowingly bring them into their homes.

Apartment complexes, hostels and other multi-unit housing need to inspect all units regularly for signs of bed bugs. It is important to do this in a way that does not disturb the occupants, especially at night. Using dish- or dome-shaped pitfall traps that are effective against bed bugs (ClimbUp Insect Interceptors, BlackOut Bed Bug Trap and SenSci Volcano) placed near sleeping and seating areas can enhance reliability of inspections.


A wood-destroying pest, termites are able to tunnel through the cellulose in wooden structures such as homes and decks to get at the moisture inside. They are notorious for their destructiveness and can be responsible for billions of dollars in home damage repairs. A termite infestation is usually indicated by the presence of wings, sawdust and hollow sounding wood. However, there are a number of other indications that can be used to identify an ongoing infestation.

Clicking: The sound of small clicks or tapping that can be heard from within walls may indicate the presence of termites. These noises are produced by termites as they burrow through the walls in search of cellulose, and the clicking is caused by soldier termites banging their heads against the wall to signal danger to other colony members. Discarded wings: During their swarming period, the winged reproductives of termites shed their wings in order to start new colonies. During this time, it is common to see discarded wings around the house, especially near doors and windows.

Hollow wood: As termites tunnel through the wood, they leave behind droppings called frass. This is often seen as a dark brown or black powdery substance, and it can be found on baseboards, window sills and door frames. Also, a hollow or thudding sound when wood is knocked on is another sign of a possible termite problem.

Termite soil treatment: This involves digging trenches and putting down a liquid termiticide in them. As the termites travel to and from their underground nests, they come across the treated soil and it is effectively a death trap for them.

Other measures: These include reducing the possibility of termite food sources such as woodpiles nearby, fixing leaky pipes, removing clutter from crawl spaces and storing firewood away from the house. It is also important to prevent termite access to moist areas, such as under sinks and in crawl space vents.

For larger infestations of drywood termites, a fumigation with gases such as sulfuryl fluoride or methyl bromide is an effective control option. This process must be performed by a licensed fumigation operator and will result in the structure being closed up for a couple of days, but it is one of the most effective methods for controlling termites.


Mosquitoes are pesky insects that bite people and many other animals in search of a blood meal. They also carry and transmit diseases such as encephalitis, West Nile virus and malaria. Although annoying to humans, mosquitoes are important wildlife. They are an effective pollinator for a number of plants and are a food source for other mammal, reptile and amphibian species.

Mosquitoes require water to breed, and eradication and treatment of standing water sources is key to controling their numbers. There are many microbial insecticides, known as larvicides, that can be used to control mosquito larvae. These are available to property owners in a variety of liquid, powder and granular formulations. One of the safest and most environmentally friendly is Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis (Bti), which is a naturally occurring bacteria that kills mosquito larvae without harming fish, birds or other organisms. It is formulated into wettable powders, liquids, and dunks that can be purchased at local garden centers and online garden suppliers. These products are most appropriate for small breeding sites, such as garden pools or water troughs for livestock.

Another way to reduce mosquito numbers is to drain and treat outdoor containers of standing water, such as rain barrels, bird baths, tin cans, old tires, car bodies and roof gutters. Eliminating these locations will prevent mosquito eggs from hatching and growing into adults that can feed on humans, livestock, horses or other wildlife.

It is also important to install and repair all window and door screens, and to keep them closed. Emptying, scrubbing and turning over, covering or throwing away any containers that hold standing water can also help. A good practice is to dump and scrub, or throw out, container contents once a week. This will also help control other pests, such as frogs and toads.

Some types of mosquitoes, such as the Asian tiger mosquito, are particularly problematic in flooded areas. They can emerge from flooded, shallow-water habitats and breed in as little as two days after heavy rain. In these situations, removing or treating breeding sites and spraying adulticides to kill mosquitoes may be necessary.


Ants are a common household pest that can cause damage to homes by chewing through wood framing and electrical wiring. They are also known to carry and spread many diseases and contaminate food products. Regular pest control treatments can help prevent and reduce infestations.

Ants invade homes primarily to obtain food. They are attracted to sweet foods and can be found in kitchens, cupboards, drawers, and pantries. They also feed on meats, vegetables, fruits, sweeteners, seeds, and dead insects. Ants are often seen around sinks and in kitchen cabinets, where they scavenge food scraps. They may also be observed constructing cowsheds or tents of plant materials over aphid colonies that they tend.

There are thousands of ant species worldwide, and each has its own particular habitat and feeding habits. Some ants are beneficial while others such as the red imported fire ant, can be dangerous to people and property.

Insecticides can be used to control ant populations. However, proper identification of the ant is necessary to select the correct insecticide formulation and application method. Licensed professional pest control companies best accomplish proper ant control. Homeowners should not attempt to apply ant insecticides as sprays on walls, floors, or countertops because the chemicals can leave residues that contaminate foods and attract pests. Ants are most easily controlled when insecticides are applied as crack, crevice, or hole treatments and baits in tamper-proof containers.

Ants can also be controlled by maintaining a clean living space, regularly wiping surfaces, storing food in airtight containers, and sealing cracks and openings. It is also important to keep trees, shrubs, and flowers away from the house, as this will minimize ant activity near the foundation.

Carpenter ants can be a serious problem in homes because they can chew through and damage wood, creating costly structural damage. Regular inspections and timely treatments can detect carpenter ant activity and prevent damage to structures. In addition, preventing water leaks and addressing roof problems will eliminate moisture sources that carpenter ants love.