How to Keep Your Air Conditioning System in Good Shape Before You Call a Pro

Before you call a pro for an air conditioning repair, make sure your AC unit is working properly. This includes examining coolant lines for broken wires, rodent nests, and chewed insulation; cleaning the tray that carries condensation away from the evaporator; removing, replacing, and taping access-panel retaining screws; and maintaining air filters and drain pans.

Air Conditioning

A dirty evaporator coil is one of the most common AC problems. This important component cycles refrigerant, and if it becomes too dirty, your air conditioner won’t be able to absorb heat from the house or cool it down as effectively. Dirty evaporator coils also cause your AC to work harder and can shorten its lifespan.  Contact Air Conditioning Repair Round Rock TX for expert guidance.

You can prevent a dirty evaporator coil by taking steps to keep the area around it clean and free of debris. Trimming any shrubs, keeping dryer vents clear and cleaning the area regularly can all help keep dirt away from the coil. You should also minimize the amount of debris near your unit by keeping your lawn mower, fallen leaves and other yard waste away from it as much as possible.

Signs of a dirty evaporator coil include noticing that your home isn’t as cool as it used to be. It may also seem that the AC runs continuously, even when it isn’t trying to cool your home.

These issues can be caused by a few things, but a dirty evaporator coil is usually to blame. Dirty evaporator coils don’t cool as well because the dirt restricts the rate at which air flows through them, making it hard for your AC to absorb heat from the house.

Another problem with dirty evaporator coils is that they become an ideal breeding ground for mold and bacteria. This can cause musty odors in your home and make people with allergies or respiratory conditions feel worse. The moisture from the coil can also cause a buildup of organic matter like pollen and pet dander that circulates throughout your home when the air conditioning system is running.

Getting a dirty evaporator coil cleaned isn’t hard, but you must make sure the power to your AC is completely off before you open the access panel and look at the coil. Your owner’s manual should have detailed instructions for how to locate the coil and how to safely access it. It’s also a good idea to have an experienced AC service professional show you where the coil is and how to get to it during your regular maintenance appointments.

Dirty Compressor Coils

Your air conditioner system works by absorbing heat from the indoor air and carrying it outside, where it is replaced with cold air. If the compressor coils are dirty, your system won’t be able to effectively reject heat. This means it will work longer and harder to cool your home, driving up cooling costs and possibly leading to equipment breakdowns and a reduced lifespan for the system.

Air conditioning systems are built to defend their condenser coils from the elements, but dirt and debris inevitably get inside the unit. The most common signs of a dirty coil are reduced cooling capacity, higher energy bills and ice formation. Your dealer will remove the outer casing and top of the unit to expose the coils, which will be inspected for dirt and debris accumulation. He or she will then clean the coils using a shop vac or a commercially available coil cleaning product. This will usually include blowing the air past the fins to remove any loose material and straightening bent fins, if necessary.

Another sign that the condenser coil needs cleaning is a sudden increase in your energy bill. Dirty AC coils force your system to run longer because it’s not as effective at transferring heat. It also puts excess strain on other parts of your system, including the fan motor and compressor, which can cause premature wear and tear and increased maintenance costs.

If you have a dirty condenser coil, it’s important to act quickly. The best way to keep your coils clean is with regular professional maintenance and preventive measures, such as replacing your air filter, keeping a safe distance between the outdoor unit and any objects that could interfere with airflow, and considering professional coil cleaning on a scheduled basis.

Your local ROX dealer can perform air conditioning services, such as cleaning your condenser coils and changing your air filter. To schedule service, simply visit our online scheduler or click the orange “schedule now” button located on each participating dealer’s profile page. For even more convenience, consider joining our Priority Comfort Club to receive routine maintenance and priority service when you need it most.

Low Coolant Levels

If the air from your vents or heat pump is lukewarm, that’s a clear indicator that refrigerant levels are low. The evaporator coil needs plenty of refrigerant to absorb heat from the air and cool it down. Low refrigerant levels can cause the evaporator coil to freeze and restrict airflow.

The odor of a strange sweet or acidic smell coming from your home is another clear indication that your AC system has low refrigerant. The odor is caused by refrigerant chemicals, like Freon, leaking into the environment. This is a sign of a major issue that needs to be addressed immediately by an HVAC technician with the proper training to make this repair.

Leaking AC coolant is a surefire indicator that your system has a serious leak. Leaks can occur in a variety of locations, including on or under the compressor. It’s important to have a trained professional identify and repair these leaks, as they can dramatically reduce the efficiency of your air conditioning system.

As time goes on, low coolant levels can also lead to a drop in system pressure and refrigerant levels. This can impact the performance of your air conditioner and could result in a complete system failure if left unchecked.

Low coolant levels may also cause the system to short cycle, which is when it turns on and off frequently in order to maintain a desired temperature. This can be extremely irritating for homeowners and commercial customers. It can lead to higher humidity levels in the air, which will lead to an uncomfortable indoor muggy feeling.

The easiest way to check your coolant levels is to simply look at the coolant reservoir in your car’s engine bay. The level should be in the middle of the H and C marks on the gauge. If the levels are lower than this, it’s time to visit a trusted auto shop for an AC inspection and possible repairs.

Faulty Thermostat

Thermostats are vital to the function of your HVAC system, so a faulty thermostat can cause problems that impact your home’s comfort and lead to higher energy bills. However, the good news is that many issues with thermostats are simple to resolve and can save you from a costly repair call.

If nothing happens when you adjust the temperature settings on your thermostat, the first thing you should do is make sure that it’s getting power. If the display is dark or blank, even with a new set of batteries, there’s a chance that the thermostat is not receiving enough power to operate. It may also be a sign that your circuit breaker is tripped, so head to your electrical panel and flip the switch.

Another easy fix is to check that your thermostat’s wiring connections are secure. A loose connection can affect the ability of the thermostat to communicate with your air conditioning system. If you suspect that your thermostat’s wiring is faulty, consult with an HVAC technician to troubleshoot and solve the problem.

Inaccurate thermostat readings are another common thermostat issue that can affect air conditioning performance. If the reading on your thermostat doesn’t match the temperature in the room, it’s likely that the sensor is failing or the thermostat needs to be calibrated.

A faulty thermostat can also be the result of an improper install, so it’s important to hire certified HVAC professionals to work on your heating and cooling systems. An incorrectly installed thermostat can cause wiring issues, temperature sensor issues and short cycling of your air conditioner that can lead to higher energy bills.

If you have tried these simple fixes and your air conditioner still won’t turn on, contact the AC experts for a professional diagnosis. We can help you resolve the problem and get your home comfortable again in no time. Schedule an appointment with us here!

Benefits of Massage

Practitioners claim massage leads to short-term improvements in sleep disorders and pain and reduces anxiety. It may help reduce inflammation and encourage nerve and tissue repair.


Tulsa Massage techniques can trigger a release of endorphins, which give a sense of euphoria and block pain sensations. The manipulation of soft tissues also increases circulation, improves flexibility, and promotes lymphatic drainage.

The human body is adept at managing circulation on its own and massage is a great way to help boost it. Research has shown that massage improves the circulation of both blood and lymph fluid. This has multiple benefits including a greater availability of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, helping reduce muscle soreness, and encouraging wastes to be flushed from the body.

A key reason for this benefit is the vasodilation that occurs during a massage. Vasodilation happens when the smooth muscles lining blood vessels relax. The end result is that the blood vessels widen and increase the permeability of tissues allowing blood to flow more easily.

This is important because blood circulation is vital for the health of your muscles and joints. It carries the essential oxygen and nutrients needed to keep your muscles working properly and the waste products (like lactic acid) out of your body.

Besides stimulating blood flow to the skin, massage also increases venous return. This is the rate at which the blood flows back toward the heart. It is improved during a massage by the manipulation techniques used such as deep tissue, trigger point, or reflexology.

Another important benefit of massage is the increase in the elasticity of tissues. This allows muscle to move more freely and reduces restriction in movement. This in turn, increases relaxation and reduces tension.

All types of massage can enhance circulation. However, it is important that the masseuse ease pressure over any bony prominences in the body and over sensitive areas. This is because excessive pressure over these areas can actually reduce the flow of lymph fluid and thereby the ability of the lymph system to carry metabolic waste out of the muscles.

Interestingly, massage also stimulates the release of a hormone called histamine. Histamine is a natural anti-inflammatory and increases the permeability of the cells lining the blood vessels thereby promoting vasodilation. This is important as it can help alleviate many different ailments including swelling, arthritis, and even autoimmune diseases such as MS. For more information about the role histamine plays in our bodies, check out this article.

Relieves Stress

Stress is a normal part of life but if left unchecked it can cause many health problems including high blood pressure, stomach upsets, weight gain, insomnia and depression. It’s important to find ways of relieving stress in a healthy way. One of the most effective ways is through massage. Massage has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, relax muscles and increase the production of feel good hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that offer many benefits such as reducing anxiety and depression, boosting self-esteem and improving motivation.

When these hormones are released they help to calm the body’s fight or flight response. A study by psychologists at the University of Konstanz found that just 10 minutes of massage or relaxation can activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for slowing down the body’s activity and promoting rest and digestion. It is also thought that massage can help reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone which causes stress.

We all know how good it feels to have someone rub our back or comfort us when we are stressed or feeling low. This is because rubbing the tense areas of the body releases these feel good hormones and helps to relieve stress. Massage is the more formal version of that instinct and offers a nurturing safe place for people to physically rest.

During massage the therapist uses techniques such as effleurage, where the hands are skimmed over the body. This is the first and last technique used during a massage and it increases circulation and stretches tissues, while relaxing the client. It is a gentle technique which can be adjusted in intensity according to the situation and the client’s needs. When effleurage is combined with other techniques such as kneading and stretching it can have an even greater effect on the body. This is because it allows the release of muscle tension and promotes movement and flexibility. This in turn alleviates stress and boosts the immune system. Regular massage is recommended to help keep the body’s balance in a state of homeostasis and thus protect against stress and illness.

Relieves Anxiety

One of the most important functions of massage is to reduce anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress but when it becomes chronic, it can cause many physical and mental symptoms including muscle tension, irritability, fatigue and depression. Massage can help relieve these symptoms because it lowers cortisol and increases serotonin levels in the body. These hormones are responsible for the fight or flight response that we experience in stressful situations.

Studies have shown that massage decreases the severity of moderate anxiety in general, and specific conditions such as test-taking stress, work stress and anticipation of invasive medical procedures. Anecdotal evidence and a long history of use in different cultures supports the efficacy of massage as a natural treatment for anxiety.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, researchers compared the effects of twice-weekly Swedish massage therapy with light touch for six weeks in individuals diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The participants were assigned to either receive SMT or a control group that received light touch. The researchers found that as early as session five, the SMT group showed a significant improvement in anxiety symptoms versus the light touch group. The results were maintained through the post-treatment follow-up period.

Another study compared the effect of aromatherapy foot massage with guided relaxation on the occupational stress levels and level of anxiety in emergency nurses during summer and winter. The researchers observed that nurses had higher levels of stress and anxiety during the winter, but this was not attributed to increased workloads or sick leave. The aromatherapy foot massage significantly decreased the levels of stress and anxiety in the nurses, whereas guided relaxation did not. The massage also lowered the nurses’ heart rate and increased their levels of calmness. The researchers conclude that a combination of both foot and guided relaxation should be used as a nonpharmacologic treatment for stress and anxiety in emergency nurses.

Relieves Pain

The friction created between skin and fingers during massage encourages blood flow. This brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area, helping the muscles repair any damage. It also stimulates the release of endorphins – hormone-like substances that act as natural painkillers and help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Pain is caused when nerves pick up on stimuli such as temperature, movement and pressure. These are passed on to the brain and interpreted as painful by the body. A good massage can disrupt this cycle by sending other signals to the brain which override those of pain, causing a reduction in the feeling.

Another way that massage relieves pain is by breaking down the muscle guarding and tension that causes a ‘fight or flight’ response. This is the body’s natural way of protecting itself and can cause pain in areas other than where the injury or symptom is located. Massage helps break down this tension, allowing the muscles to relax and releasing pain reducing chemicals.

In addition, pain levels are also reduced through the stimulation of the lymphatic system. This system is made up of tiny lymph vessels that transport lymph fluid around the body to glands and nodes where waste products are removed. Massage increases this flow of lymph, removing the waste products and boosting the immune system.

Studies have shown that pain, activity and anxiety can all be reduced with regular massage. This is because the massage breaks down the pain cycle, increases circulation and releases endorphins, as well as reducing the stress that can lead to pain and anxiety.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis found that massage therapy can be beneficial, with minimal safety concerns, for a wide range of pain-related outcomes in painful populations. This includes musculoskeletal pain, general health-related quality of life and anxiety.

The underlying mechanisms of how massage relieves pain are not yet fully understood, but they appear to be related to the changes that happen in the body as a result of the treatment. It is important to note, however, that the physiology of massage is complex and it is unlikely that one treatment will have the same effect on every person. This is why it’s important to talk to your massage therapist about any specific issues you have and any particular expectations or goals for your session.

Cabinet Refinishing – Give Your Cabinets a Fresh Look

Cabinet refinishing is ideal for homeowners who are content with the design and functionality of their cabinets but would like to give them a fresh new look. It involves careful painting with a brush or sprayer, sanding between coats, and more.

Cabinet Refinishing

It’s important to note that refinishing only works on wooden doors and cabinets. It’s not recommended for refinishing medium-density fiberboard or high-density fibreboard (MDF) doors and boxes, as stain doesn’t adhere to them well. Connect with Cabinet Refinishing Sacramento for reliable help.

Staining is a great option if you love the design of your cabinets and want to add a pop of color or hide minor wear and tear without the cost and hassle of a complete renovation. It also works best if you’re happy with the natural tone of your cabinet wood and just want to enhance its beauty.

Before you stain your cabinet doors, thoroughly clean them to remove any grease or grime. You can use a commercial cleaner like trisodium phosphate (TSP), or simply wash the surface with warm water and a sponge. Then, dry the cabinet surfaces with a cloth or paper towel.

Once your cabinet doors are completely dry, you’re ready to begin the staining process. Thoroughly read the product instructions, and apply one to two coats of stain, depending on your desired color and how much natural grain you want to show through. Be sure to allow enough time for the stain to dry in between each application.

There are several different types of stains to choose from, including oil-based and water-based. Oil-based stains are popular for their rich color and ability to highlight the natural wood grain. Water-based stains, on the other hand, are eco-friendly and low in odor. They are also easier to work with and require less specialized equipment. Another way to stain is by spraying, which can provide an even and consistent application.

When applying the stain, use a wide brush to cover large areas and a narrow brush for beveled or textured areas. Be sure to follow the wood grain when brushing. Let the first coat of stain dry for two to four hours before applying a second coat. When the stain is completely dry, lightly scuff the surface with fine-grit sandpaper to smooth and seal it. If you’re using a water-based stain, consider adding a layer of polyurethane for added protection against scratches, dust, and other environmental hazards.


Painting is a great way to add some style to old cabinets that are still in good shape. It’s also an inexpensive option that can save you the expense of a full kitchen remodel. While refinishing involves sanding down and staining the wood, repainting simply covers up any blemishes or imperfections in your cabinet doors and drawer fronts. Whether you choose to paint or refinish, it’s important to thoroughly clean all surfaces before starting. This helps ensure that the new coat of paint adheres to the surface. It’s also important to use a high-quality paint, which will protect your surfaces from future damage.

The first step is to sand all cabinet surfaces to give the primer something to adhere to. Once you’ve sanded everything, clean it with a rag and vacuum the area to remove any lingering dust. You should also sand with a foam sander between coats of primer to smooth any ridges and give the paint a uniform finish.

It’s also important to make sure you’re using the right type of paint for your cabinets. If your cabinets are made of wood, you’ll need to use oil-based paint that can withstand repeated cleanings. If they’re made of laminate or metal, then water-based latex would be appropriate. You should also use a high-quality brush for the tight spots and corners.

Once your primer has dried, you can begin painting your cabinets. It’s a good idea to do the boxes first, then move on to the doors and drawer fronts. Depending on the paint you’re using, it may be necessary to apply three or more coats for a full coverage. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for drying times.

It’s also a good idea to use a paint sprayer on the larger surfaces and a soft-bristled brush on the edges and tight spaces. This will help you achieve a professional look and get the best results. It’s also a good idea to let the paint dry between coats, which is usually about 24 hours. Finally, be sure to work in a well-ventilated area and wear a respirator mask if you’re working with an oil-based paint.

Rigid Thermofoil

Thermofoil, or Rigid Thermofoil (RTF), cabinet doors and drawer fronts are a popular choice for homeowners who want a modern, sleek appearance that resists staining. A process known as vacuum pressuring and heat shrinking allows for the application of a white, colored or faux wood grain vinyl coating to an inexpensive medium-density fiberboard (MDF) substrate. The result is a highly durable surface that can mimic the look of more expensive materials.

The smooth surfaces of thermofoil cabinets and drawer faces wipe clean with a damp cloth. However, if they’re exposed to a lot of water—steam or frequent splashes—the moisture can seep in and weaken the vinyl adhesive bond, eventually leading to peeling. Scratches, bumps and other damage also weaken the edges, exposing the MDF core and opening the door to moisture and the eventual potential for delamination.

In general, thermofoil cabinet facings are less costly than painting because a machine handles the vacuum pressing and heat shrinking work, while painting requires multiple coats of primer, base, paint and top coats, as well as significant amounts of by-hand sanding labour. Thermofoil prices don’t fluctuate as much as the price of different types of paint, either, so you can easily switch between matte or satin white to a sleek black and still have a similar looking finish.

Thermofoil is a great option if your home has a limited budget or you prefer a low maintenance, easy-to-clean surface that’s resistant to humidity. However, if you love the natural beauty of wood and are willing to invest in its long-term care, it may be better to choose custom painted or stained wood cabinets.

If you have Thermofoil cabinet doors that are beginning to show signs of wear, a quick fix might be to scrape away the loose surface layers with a knife and apply contact cement in a well-ventilated area. But, it’s best to hire a refacing specialist for the job, as this isn’t an ideal DIY project and it’s important to use the right materials and techniques for lasting results. If the damaged surface is too far gone, replacement doors and drawer fronts are a more cost-effective alternative to refacing.


The term “refacing” is often used interchangeably with “refinishing,” but to cabinet makers and professional remodelers, the two projects are quite different. Refacing is a complete cabinet renovation that removes the doors, and replaces or covers the boxes with new material such as wood veneer or laminate. Refinishing, on the other hand, keeps the existing components of cabinets and simply refreshes their color by resanding and painting.

Both refacing and refinishing are great options for those looking to give their kitchen a facelift without spending the time, money, or energy on a total remodel. Refinishing is a quick and affordable option for those who want to revitalize their cabinets, but it is not a good choice for those with damaged or dingy doors or cabinet boxes.

The refinishing process starts with a thorough cleaning of the cabinet surfaces, including a degreaser to remove any grease or oils that have built up over time. Careful sanding with medium and fine-grit paper is then performed, and the cabinet surfaces are prepped for painting. A coat of primer is then applied, followed by a coat of paint in your desired color. After the coats of paint are dry, they are sanded again, and the doors and drawers are ready for reinstall.

Before starting the actual refinishing project, it is important to label all of the cabinet door fronts and casings with a marker, or piece of tape to ensure that they are painted in the correct places. This helps prevent confusion, as cabinet doors can vary in size by as much as 1/4 inch. Also, it is a good idea to mark the door hinges, knobs, and pulls with a marker, so that they are easy to find when you are ready to reinstall them.

It is also a good idea to choose hardware that will coordinate with the new finish. There are many different choices for door knobs and pulls, ranging from traditional to modern styles. Many homeowners also like to vary the hardware finishes – such as brushed nickel, polished brass, oil-rubbed bronze, etc. – to add visual interest and contrast to the cabinets.

Hiring a Tree Service

When hiring tree service you want to ensure they are certified, insured, and current on the latest best practices. This way, they will be able to care for your trees and minimize potential problems properly.

Tree Service

Ask what kind of equipment they use and how they minimize yard damage from the work. Also, ask if they mark any underground utilities such as buried phone lines or gas.

Tree Service can be dangerous work. Employees are at risk for falls, electrocutions, and being struck by trees or falling limbs. Taking proper safety measures can help prevent these hazards. Employees should wear personal protective equipment such as hard hats and gloves. They should also use a fall protection harness when working at heights. They should also check their equipment regularly to make sure it is in good condition.

Tree service businesses often have large pieces of equipment such as a chipper, skid steer, or chainsaw. These items are expensive and can be stolen or damaged in transit. Employers can take several precautions to protect their assets, such as requiring employees to sign a waiver, keeping track of inventory, and ensuring that vehicles are locked after each use.

Another safety issue is the exposure to chemicals. Tree services frequently use fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and herbicides. They may also handle gasoline, diesel fuel, hydraulic fluids, and solvents. Some of these chemicals are flammable and pose a fire hazard. They can also pose a health risk to workers and the public if they are applied incorrectly or spilled. Store all chemicals in a well-controlled area and ensure that all containers have labels firmly attached. Post no-smoking signs in areas where flammable substances are stored or used and enforce non-smoking rules.

In addition to the obvious risks associated with working at heights, tree trimming can also present tripping hazards for employees on uneven ground or near power lines. Arborists must also keep clear communication with other team members when working on a tree, as yelling over equipment can be misheard or misunderstood. A safer alternative to yelling is the use of hand signals or headsets and walkie-talkies.

Finally, it’s important to check the ground and surrounding area before starting a job for buried electrical, gas, and phone lines. These lines are a hazard to anyone climbing a tree and can be extremely dangerous if touched. A professional tree service will survey the property to ensure that they know where all of the underground utilities are located.


Trees are vital components of the urban landscape, providing numerous environmental, social, and economic benefits to communities. They also provide shade and increase property values. However, to enjoy these benefits, trees must be healthy and well-maintained. This means regular pruning, fertilization, and pest control. To ensure that your trees are in top condition, look for a tree service that offers these services.

A professional tree company will perform a health inspection to evaluate the status of your trees and recommend any treatments or maintenance required. In addition, they will take into account the soil conditions, climate, and other external factors that can affect a tree’s health. They will also look for signs of disease, such as discolored leaves or early leaf drop.

In addition, a tree service will ensure that your yard is free of any obstructions that could be hazardous or cause damage to the trees. This can include removing any branches that are growing too close to the house or a power line, and removing any dead or damaged branches. A good tree service will use specialized equipment and follow safety procedures to prevent any injuries or property damage during the removal process.

The health of your trees is a crucial factor in the success of your landscape. Trees that are properly cared for can increase the value of your home and help keep your family safe from the harsh Texas weather and the potential effects of pests, diseases, and insects. ISA certified arborists in Dallas, like those at Treenewal, provide a variety of services, including pruning and fertilization, to maintain the health of your trees and protect them from common problems.

While a healthy tree adds beauty to your yard and benefits the environment, it can also be a safety hazard. If the trunk of a tree is compromised, it can fall on your property and cause serious injury or death to the people and animals around it. A tree risk assessment will identify potential risks and help you develop a plan to mitigate these threats. Trees are a valuable investment, and should be treated with the same level of care as any other outdoor plant.


Having well-maintained trees in a yard adds to a property’s curb appeal. In addition, it increases a home’s value and helps it stand out in the real estate market. Tree service companies help homeowners maintain the look of their yards by pruning, cutting, and trimming trees. They also offer other services, such as stump grinding and cabling and bracing. During these services, professionals will examine the condition of a property’s trees and recommend appropriate maintenance procedures.

Many people hire Tree Services because they are concerned about the health of their trees and want them to be aesthetically pleasing. Whether you are selling your home or simply want to improve its curb appeal, these services can make all the difference. They will trim branches, prune evergreens, remove debris, and more to ensure that your yard looks its best.

When choosing a Tree Service, be sure to choose one with an ISA certification. This is a mark of excellence in the industry and shows that a company has a solid foundation of knowledge. It is also important to consider the company’s reputation. You should find out what kind of work the company has done in the past and read reviews on Google or Yelp.

Tree service businesses can use a variety of marketing strategies to generate leads and convert them into clients. They can also leverage social media platforms to promote their services. For example, they can run paid advertisements on Google or Facebook and track the results of their campaigns. They can also track revenue per labor hour to measure profitability and identify areas where they can improve their performance.

One of the most effective ways to get new customers is to attend local events. This way, you can meet people who are interested in your services and give them fliers. You can also offer a free estimate of the work that needs to be done. This will make the potential customer feel confident about hiring your company. You can also use a custom-designed website to showcase the quality of your work. The best websites feature original pictures of the projects that you have completed. You should avoid using blurred or stock images as these communicate to the customer that you are not a genuine business.


A reputable tree service will prioritize safety protocols, which will ensure the health of their employees and customers. They should also carry liability insurance and worker’s compensation to protect themselves in case of accidents on the job. It’s important to ask for proof of this insurance before hiring a tree service.

It’s no secret that online reviews are a big part of how people find and choose local businesses, like tree services. A strong reputation on review sites helps your business stand out from the competition, and a solid rating will improve your search engine optimization (SEO), which will help new customers find you.

You can boost your online reputation by making it easy for customers to leave reviews. Ask your customers to share their experiences on social media and email you with a link to their review. Encourage them to spread the word, and offer incentives such as a credit off their next service to thank them for their referrals.

Another way to build a strong reputation is by making it your priority to respond to reviews, even negative ones. When business owners make this their top priority, they show prospective customers that they care about feedback and want to improve their operations. A positive response can make all the difference when a consumer is considering whether or not to hire your tree service.

In addition to encouraging customer feedback, you can boost your tree service’s online reputation by ensuring its information is accurate across all review sites and social media platforms. This will not only improve your search rankings but it will also give potential customers confidence that you are a trustworthy and reputable business.