Benefits of Massage

Practitioners claim massage leads to short-term improvements in sleep disorders and pain and reduces anxiety. It may help reduce inflammation and encourage nerve and tissue repair.


Tulsa Massage techniques can trigger a release of endorphins, which give a sense of euphoria and block pain sensations. The manipulation of soft tissues also increases circulation, improves flexibility, and promotes lymphatic drainage.

The human body is adept at managing circulation on its own and massage is a great way to help boost it. Research has shown that massage improves the circulation of both blood and lymph fluid. This has multiple benefits including a greater availability of oxygen and nutrients to muscles, helping reduce muscle soreness, and encouraging wastes to be flushed from the body.

A key reason for this benefit is the vasodilation that occurs during a massage. Vasodilation happens when the smooth muscles lining blood vessels relax. The end result is that the blood vessels widen and increase the permeability of tissues allowing blood to flow more easily.

This is important because blood circulation is vital for the health of your muscles and joints. It carries the essential oxygen and nutrients needed to keep your muscles working properly and the waste products (like lactic acid) out of your body.

Besides stimulating blood flow to the skin, massage also increases venous return. This is the rate at which the blood flows back toward the heart. It is improved during a massage by the manipulation techniques used such as deep tissue, trigger point, or reflexology.

Another important benefit of massage is the increase in the elasticity of tissues. This allows muscle to move more freely and reduces restriction in movement. This in turn, increases relaxation and reduces tension.

All types of massage can enhance circulation. However, it is important that the masseuse ease pressure over any bony prominences in the body and over sensitive areas. This is because excessive pressure over these areas can actually reduce the flow of lymph fluid and thereby the ability of the lymph system to carry metabolic waste out of the muscles.

Interestingly, massage also stimulates the release of a hormone called histamine. Histamine is a natural anti-inflammatory and increases the permeability of the cells lining the blood vessels thereby promoting vasodilation. This is important as it can help alleviate many different ailments including swelling, arthritis, and even autoimmune diseases such as MS. For more information about the role histamine plays in our bodies, check out this article.

Relieves Stress

Stress is a normal part of life but if left unchecked it can cause many health problems including high blood pressure, stomach upsets, weight gain, insomnia and depression. It’s important to find ways of relieving stress in a healthy way. One of the most effective ways is through massage. Massage has been shown to lower heart rate and blood pressure, relax muscles and increase the production of feel good hormones such as endorphins, serotonin and dopamine. These are neurotransmitters that offer many benefits such as reducing anxiety and depression, boosting self-esteem and improving motivation.

When these hormones are released they help to calm the body’s fight or flight response. A study by psychologists at the University of Konstanz found that just 10 minutes of massage or relaxation can activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is responsible for slowing down the body’s activity and promoting rest and digestion. It is also thought that massage can help reduce the levels of cortisol, a hormone which causes stress.

We all know how good it feels to have someone rub our back or comfort us when we are stressed or feeling low. This is because rubbing the tense areas of the body releases these feel good hormones and helps to relieve stress. Massage is the more formal version of that instinct and offers a nurturing safe place for people to physically rest.

During massage the therapist uses techniques such as effleurage, where the hands are skimmed over the body. This is the first and last technique used during a massage and it increases circulation and stretches tissues, while relaxing the client. It is a gentle technique which can be adjusted in intensity according to the situation and the client’s needs. When effleurage is combined with other techniques such as kneading and stretching it can have an even greater effect on the body. This is because it allows the release of muscle tension and promotes movement and flexibility. This in turn alleviates stress and boosts the immune system. Regular massage is recommended to help keep the body’s balance in a state of homeostasis and thus protect against stress and illness.

Relieves Anxiety

One of the most important functions of massage is to reduce anxiety. Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress but when it becomes chronic, it can cause many physical and mental symptoms including muscle tension, irritability, fatigue and depression. Massage can help relieve these symptoms because it lowers cortisol and increases serotonin levels in the body. These hormones are responsible for the fight or flight response that we experience in stressful situations.

Studies have shown that massage decreases the severity of moderate anxiety in general, and specific conditions such as test-taking stress, work stress and anticipation of invasive medical procedures. Anecdotal evidence and a long history of use in different cultures supports the efficacy of massage as a natural treatment for anxiety.

In a study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry, researchers compared the effects of twice-weekly Swedish massage therapy with light touch for six weeks in individuals diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). The participants were assigned to either receive SMT or a control group that received light touch. The researchers found that as early as session five, the SMT group showed a significant improvement in anxiety symptoms versus the light touch group. The results were maintained through the post-treatment follow-up period.

Another study compared the effect of aromatherapy foot massage with guided relaxation on the occupational stress levels and level of anxiety in emergency nurses during summer and winter. The researchers observed that nurses had higher levels of stress and anxiety during the winter, but this was not attributed to increased workloads or sick leave. The aromatherapy foot massage significantly decreased the levels of stress and anxiety in the nurses, whereas guided relaxation did not. The massage also lowered the nurses’ heart rate and increased their levels of calmness. The researchers conclude that a combination of both foot and guided relaxation should be used as a nonpharmacologic treatment for stress and anxiety in emergency nurses.

Relieves Pain

The friction created between skin and fingers during massage encourages blood flow. This brings fresh oxygen and nutrients to the area, helping the muscles repair any damage. It also stimulates the release of endorphins – hormone-like substances that act as natural painkillers and help to reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

Pain is caused when nerves pick up on stimuli such as temperature, movement and pressure. These are passed on to the brain and interpreted as painful by the body. A good massage can disrupt this cycle by sending other signals to the brain which override those of pain, causing a reduction in the feeling.

Another way that massage relieves pain is by breaking down the muscle guarding and tension that causes a ‘fight or flight’ response. This is the body’s natural way of protecting itself and can cause pain in areas other than where the injury or symptom is located. Massage helps break down this tension, allowing the muscles to relax and releasing pain reducing chemicals.

In addition, pain levels are also reduced through the stimulation of the lymphatic system. This system is made up of tiny lymph vessels that transport lymph fluid around the body to glands and nodes where waste products are removed. Massage increases this flow of lymph, removing the waste products and boosting the immune system.

Studies have shown that pain, activity and anxiety can all be reduced with regular massage. This is because the massage breaks down the pain cycle, increases circulation and releases endorphins, as well as reducing the stress that can lead to pain and anxiety.

A recent systematic review and meta-analysis found that massage therapy can be beneficial, with minimal safety concerns, for a wide range of pain-related outcomes in painful populations. This includes musculoskeletal pain, general health-related quality of life and anxiety.

The underlying mechanisms of how massage relieves pain are not yet fully understood, but they appear to be related to the changes that happen in the body as a result of the treatment. It is important to note, however, that the physiology of massage is complex and it is unlikely that one treatment will have the same effect on every person. This is why it’s important to talk to your massage therapist about any specific issues you have and any particular expectations or goals for your session.